Wednesday, August 1, 2007


We visited Zion's National Park where there are many petroglyphs to observe. I shot this picture as the sun was setting and was very surprised when I reviewed the pictures to notice that the shadows appear to be "people" on the rocks, certainly petroglyphic people :)


cherie said...

that is so awesome! love the shadows you captured in this.

Gayle said...

Wow!!! I mean, that is a beautiful capture of God's creation and the shadows are awesome!

Jane F. Smith said...

WOW!!! that is so cool!!!

Anonymous said...

Cool shadows!

Wendy said...

Really nice!! Isn't it amazing what you don't see when you take the photo but then when you get it home and up on your computer you see some amazing things!! Great Job!!

Judy said...

beautiful shots! I was thinking the same as naranjos, love those unexpected surprises in your shots that you dont always see when shooting them. (the good ones anyways)