Tuesday, August 28, 2007

scrappinmamma on Slide

OK Gals, I had lots of fun doing self portraits this morning. I decided I would go out into my garden and take pictures with my dahlias, roses, raspberries and tomatoes. Well, I also remembered I had a red hat in a hat box that I bought when I joined a Red Hat Society. To date, we have never worn them anyplace. I use it to take photos of kids. So I decided I should use my $48 hat for some self portraits. I had so many stupid pictures to choose from, I couldn't decide which one to use........thus, the slideshow. I had real trouble with my tomato plants as you'll see. I decided that's part of self-portraits........trying to figure out where you are in the lens. So...........here I am! If you want to see the whole shoot, click on the slideshow link.

scrappinmamma on Slide

Saturday, August 18, 2007

More B&W's

Sorry everyone but this was a great day for our family. Our son, Doug graduated from Portland State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Japanese. I made the pictures B&W so I could share the day with you. You'll see Doug, his wife Amber and of course, our granddaughter Mikayla. Hope I don't bore you to death but this B&W challenge frees me up to bring in everything !

Friday, August 17, 2007

What would a black & white challenge be without Mikayla???? I chose to put her in sepia just for a different effect.

B&W Wedding

More B&W

Sara: 1/160s, f7.1, ISO400
Tree: 1/200, f8.0, ISO:400


Here are some pictures I took of a wedding this last week and I turned them into black & white. Mostly I wanted to post these so you could see this cake. It was a total castle with a mote (with fish) and they cut it with a sword. I kidded them about now that they're married, they'll be "in prison".

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Perspective Photo

This shot shows where we live, about 1 mile from the top of Sexton Mountain. We're in the large clump of green trees in the middle of the picture. This shows me facing SE. The lights below are a Haggen parking lot.
The pictures in the next set are taken with me facing due west to capture the sunset.

Bird's Eye View

To get a bird's eye view of a sunset, Bill and I walked up to the top of Sexton Mountain tonight to watch the sun set. Here you can see the sun go down over the mountains of the coast range. We're about 70 miles from the coast.
#1-1/160s, f5.6, ISO 1600
#2-1/80s, f/7.1, ISO 1600
#3-1/10s, f4.0, ISO 1600

Saturday, August 11, 2007


I decided I would take some pictures of what I must look like to my granddaughter. As you can see by the results, I'm grateful my little Mikayla still smiles at me. It's rather scary and I debated about whether to post them or not, they are so bad but I figure I have to jump outside the box for this week's challenge :) Here we see "coo's", "raspberries", "come to grandma" and lunch time.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Beautiful Colors

I thought the colors were so bright and beautiful for this wedding, I thought I'd share them. Also, notice her unique bridal bouquet.


Here are some reflection shots from a wedding I did Tuesday.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Mikayla's Reflection

Poor little one had her 6 month shots today but grandma had to get a "reflection" picture in for the challenge.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Another Reflection

The Portland LDS Temple has a beautiful reflecting pond for pictures. Some days the reflections are better than others. This couple had all their stars in alignment that day as it was probably the best wedding shoot I've ever done. Conditions were perfect.

Lilliwop Washington

This was taken a couple of years ago but I've always liked it. I thought it was an interesting old, worn out building and I loved the way the trees framed it. Had to dig deep into my archives to find this one. Sorry I don't have my camera settings.


I was doing some family pictures in a park one day and the leaves were falling onto this small pond. I thought I'd capture one of them and I was pleasantly surprised to know that I had also captured a reflection of the leaves in the trees and the blue sky.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


We visited Zion's National Park where there are many petroglyphs to observe. I shot this picture as the sun was setting and was very surprised when I reviewed the pictures to notice that the shadows appear to be "people" on the rocks, certainly petroglyphic people :)